Normal cough versus coronavirus cough: How to tell if your child's cough is COVID or something else

 Amid ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, something as common as a cough could give anyone a viral scare. Especially if you notice your child coughing persistently, showcasing other symptoms like fever, sore throat and fatigue, you would most likely be alarmed.

But while cough is a common coronavirus induced COVID symptom, not all coughs necessarily mean a SARs-CoV-2 infection. That said, it is important to understand what a COVID cough would sound or look like. Let us find out.

As compared to a normal cough, a COVID-induced cough is characterized by two factors i.e. dry and a persistent cough.

A dry cough usually occurs without any phlegm or mucus and may have a hacking sound. It has a consistent, rough sound to it since it comes with no mucus. Other things that separates it from a normal cough is that COVID cough is usually persistent and can linger on for weeks and sometimes even months.

Other symptoms that could accompany a COVID cough

If a person has COVID-19, within the first week, they're likely to report symptoms like fever, fatigue, headaches, muscle pain along with cough.

With the onset of Omicron, symptoms like sore throat, runny nose, sneezing and gastrointestinal problems like nause, loss of appetite and vomiting have become prevalent too.


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